Hello all,

As there were no sightings of the Big Bad Wolf who has gone missing last week from our classroom, the children started getting increasingly worried. During a discussion we have came to a conclusion that the wolf must be embarrassed about his bad behaviour so he is hiding in the forest. The children think that he is good now and they want the wolf to come back. They are worried that he is cold and all alone. To show the wolf the way back to our classroom we have made footprints in the garden and have written a letter to the wolf saying that we believe that he has changed and we miss him. The children were delighted and so excited to find the wolf sheltering in the den made by the children. The wolf joined in playing 'What's the time Mr Wolf' game which was much enjoyed by the class.

Throughout the week we have been looking at animal footprints. The children have created variety of footprints in art and have become very good at matching animals to their footprints.

Next week we will make secondary colours out of primary colours.


In maths we have focused on counting with one to one correspondence up to 20 using a bead string. Next week we will be matching numbers with quantities.


This week the children have been introduced to following letter sounds: j, v, w. We have been playing phonics games and matching captions with the corresponding pictures.

Next week we will learn the letter sounds: x, y, z and qu.

Next Friday is a mufti day. The children can wear their own clothes in exchange for an item for our Christmas hamper.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Sheehan


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