
 In reception this week the children have been busy learning about the planets and space. We have also found lots of worms in the garden and the children have been fascinated with them. I do apologise as I am aware some of the children have been bringing them home in their pockets and various other parts of their clothing. We have talked about this and the children know the importance of keeping the worms  in their natural habitat. We are going to be making a wormery so that the children can see the worms safely and monitor their movement. Hopefully this will stop their desire to keep them as pets!

We have noticed how well the children are focusing during adult directed learning. This sometimes takes a few weeks as the children  get use to the rules and routines for our carpet sessions. We are really pleased with their attitude to learning and their enthusiasm, it is a joy to see.

This week the children have recapped the sounds: s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k and we have been learning the tricky word 'the'. The children have been making sentences using the tricky word. Please support your children at home with this as it does help enormously. Repetition is the key and making the words meaningful to them. 

Here are some examples of the sentences we have made.

  • The cat is fat
  • The dog is big
  • The snake is fat
Can you please encourage the children to have a go at making sentences at home. If they want they can write some and bring them in or alternately you can write some for them.
 I hope you have all managed to use reading eggs and mathseeds. Please speak to me if you have any problems.
Next week is parent consultation week and we hope to speak to you all on Tuesday. Please make sure you have booked your appointment. Can I also ask for any settling in forms that have not been returned to me to be emailed to crobinson@littleheath.herts.sch.uk. This will help to inform our chat on Tuesday.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Robinson


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