It was lovely to speak to you all this week and I hope your found it comforting to hear about your children and how they have settled into school. We understand the importance of communication and we are always reviewing our the systems so that we  make sure that communication between us all is the best it can be at this time. We are always happy to have feedback so if you have any ideas that can enhance the systems we have in place then please email me with your thoughts. 

 Here are the new sounds that the children have learnt this week.

ck, e, u, r

Our new tricky words are:

 go, to, I, was.

Please continue to practice these at home and make as many sentences as you can using all the sounds they have learnt. The children are very familiar with the sounds and are understanding how to blend sounds together to make words. 

We are continuing to practice one more and one less in math's and the children are able to do this  with numbers up to 100.

We have decided to do our wormery next week as Ms Ellis will be in on Thursday and Friday and she has some books and interesting facts that she wants to share with the children about worms.

We have one more week to go then its time for us all to have a rest, which I think we all deserve. 

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Robinson:)


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