I am so sorry I have not been around this week but a member of my household was displaying symptoms of Covid19 and told to be tested so we had to isolate. Luckily the test was negative so I was able to return on Thursday. I would like to reassure you that when I am out we operate with the correct ratios with experienced staff taking over. I am always pleased when I return just to see how much they have all been doing without me. The children just carry on as if nothing  changed, this does support our theory that the children are completely secure and settled at school, enjoying new experiences and making friends. We are so happy that everyone has settled so quickly. 

During the week the children were working on identifying rhyming words. We have played different rhyming games and have sung rhyming songs to develop children's sensitivity to the sounds. 
Next week we will focus on identifying initial sounds in words. It would be great if you could support your child in mastering this skill through playing games at home. 'I spy with my little eye'  is always the winner. Please use the letter sounds not the letter names.
In maths we have been singing lots of number rhymes and have practised counting objects with one to one correspondence. The children were also introduced to using number fans.
Next week we will continue working on number recognition and we will match numbers with quantities.
We are starting self registration  with the children. After entering the classroom the children are to sign their name on the registration board. This is a great way of starting a school day and it gives the children regular practise in writing their name. When your child writes at home, please make sure that they use lower case except for when upper case is suitable. 

Within the next two weeks we will be looking at our bodies and we will explore our senses. The children will be involved in a variety of experiments and will learn to name different sensations.
And finally, next week is Walk To School Week, celebrating ‘Clean Air Day on Thursday 8th October.  We are encouraging as many of you as possible to walk, cycle or scoot to school throughout next week.  If your journey is too far to walk, then you could try to drive partway then walk the rest.

Have a great weekend I think it is going to be very wet!!!!!!

Mrs Robinson


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