It was lovely to see the children's faces during the zoom session on Thursday. As one of the parents alerted me that there was a problem with the link , I had to send another zoom invite just before the session. I am sorry if you had problems logging in. Sometimes it is the slow connection that can cause the problem.. For those who did not manage to connect with us please do not worry, we just had a general chat about the things we have been doing during the lock down. We will carry on with zoom class meetings on a weekly basis. Reception class will have their meetings on Tuesday afternoon . To make the meeting more personal for each child we will do it in smaller groups. Each session will last for around 15 minutes. It would be lovely if the children could show us the things they have made or learnt during the session. I will send you an invitation to the zoom session with your time slot on Monday. The meetings will take place between 1pm-2.30pm.
Thank you so much for all the emails you are sending to me with pictures and videos of children's work. I am very impressed with how creative the children are.Thank you for all your time and effort you are putting into organising a learning environment for your child.
I hope that everyone is able to access Mathseeds and Reading Eggs. If you have lost your login details please let me know so I can send them to you.
You will be able to access the new home learning activities on our school website from Monday.
Here are images of my children decorating their outfits for the Thursday clap for carers and NHS staff.They absolutely loved doing this. Just some old shirt/t shirt and felt tips are needed.
When you send me an email with your child's photos, please let me know if you are happy for the pictures to be shared on our class blog.It would be lovely to share ideas.
Happy VE Day anniversary! Enjoy the sunshine and keep safe.
Mrs Sheehan
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