I hope you have all had a good week and are still enjoying the sunshine. The weather has really helped lift spirits and I  have a feeling that things are beginning to change for the better. I know we have a long way to go but I am hearing more positive things.
Following on from Mrs Custis letter this week I thought I would answer a few queries that have arisen.
The nursery children and reception children will not be mixing at all throughout the day. The toilets will be split between the two rooms and children will only be allowed to use the allocated ones for their class. We are very fortunate that we have such big grounds which allows us to use the front and the back. Nursery will be using the back and reception will use the front.
The start times are staggered so it allows space for movement. You will need to be able to drop your child at the main gate. As you are all aware young children differ in their ability to separate from mum or dad. We will be giving them lots of verbal support to leave you but unfortunately we will not be able to provide any physical support. This means that we will not be able to take their hands or help you with getting them in. This potentially may be a challenge for some families and needs to be considered as we don't want the children distressed in any way. If you feel this will be a problem for your child can you email me so that we can discuss this further. Our start times are very strict so we will not be able to spend a lot of time with children who don't want to come in.
The room is very different and we have removed all soft furnishing and role play areas. Some parents have asked if they should prepare the children for this. Unfortunately until they get in there they will have no comprehension of what we have done so I think that it may be better to allow them to explore and see it for themselves.
For the children who will be at home we will be continuing to put the activities online and the children in the setting will be accessing those activities too. I know this all seems very strange and even stranger for us as we are going to be working in an environment that is not the EYFS as we know it. We will do our upmost to make this a positive experience for those who are returning and we look forward to a time when we can all be back together.
Please contact me with any concerns as I am happy to discus things with you.
I hope you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing some of you soon.
Mrs Robinson
Mrs Sheehan


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