Another week in lock down has passed, and I think all of us can't wait for some news of changes to come.
Thank you for your emails with pictures and videos of your child's learning. I can see that the children are involved in exciting activities, and are learning through play and hands on activities which is great. You will find our next week's learning on our website. There will be lots of activities to choose from. We have also added Pen Pal letter formation template that you can refer to if needed.
There will also be a link to Letters and Sounds for home and school. You will find there short phonics lessons for Reception children. You can simply access the lessons by googling Letters and Sounds for home and School. It would be great for the children to revisit their letter sound and practice some blending. Again, if you have any questions please send me an email.
Next week you might want to engage your child in acting out a story. I'm sure The children will enjoy making props and dressing up . This is our take on Ten Little Pirates.
Take care
Mrs Sheehan


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