Hello all,
Thank you for the emails with pictures and videos of you child's home learning. Lots of amazing learning is taking place in your homes.
We will have our zoom session on Tuesday afternoon again. During the session I will talk a little bit about this week's home learning, and the children will have an opportunity to do show and tell.
New home learning activities will be set out on our school website on Monday. Next week we will concentrate a bit more on texture, shape and measure. You will find links to videos on Reception class page, which explain non standard measurement.Please encourage your child to do Mathseeds and Reading Eggs for 10 minutes each day.
Here is a video of Mrs Robinson performing one of the songs from The Gingerbread Man story. I bet the children will be able to sing along, and will think of an interesting ending to the story.

Have a good week and keep safe.
Mrs Sheehan


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