During the week we have continued with The Gingerbread Man story. The children have created beautiful pictures and they have written the the descriptions for the photos  related to the story. We have put up a big display of children's work, and have created small world play activity, where the children can retell and react the story.

On Thursday we have celebrated The World Book Day. The children looked amazing in their costumes! We have enjoyed reading the books the children have brought from home.

Next week is Science week at school. We will be planting trees in our school grounds and we will learn about the importance of trees for the environment.

During phonics session we have practised blending and segmenting. We have also revisited the digraphs: qu, ch, sh, th and ng. Please practise these sounds at home.
In Pen Pals we have practised writing One armed robot letters: r, n, m, h, b.
Next week we will focus on following letter sounds: ai, ee, igh, oa.

In Maths we have looked at our daily routines and have acted out our daily activities.
Next week we will concentrate on Days of the week.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs Sheehan


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