We have started the week by celebrating Remembrance day. The children have learnt about the meaning of wearing a poppy, and have created beautiful poppies in art. It was lovely to see individual, unique designs of the flower. At 11 am we have paid respect to the people who care for us and look after us with a minute of silence. A group of children wrote messages on the posted notes, and stack them on the window explaining they write messages to people who died so they know we remember them. Very moving and heart worming for us to see.
On Tuesday we had Odd Sock Day for Anti-Bullying. We Have discussed our behaviour towards each other. During the discussion together with the children we have made up a little poem which is a part of the whole school project.

Play kindly, be nice to your friends
Share toys and shake hands
When I feel sad
playing with someone will make me better
I can give toys
to make my friends happier
Change starts with us

Thank you for supporting The Children in Need. The children looked wonderful in their sophisticated hair styles and clothes.
On Friday we had  Year 4 children reading with our Foundation Stage children which was a great experience for both age groups.

Thank you to all the parents who managed to attend the Reading in Reception meeting.
We have sent books together with a reading record home with your child on Friday. The children will be choosing books to take home three times a week. Each child is assign to a teacher she/he will be reading with for a term. Outside on a table you will see five boxes with teachers names on. You will find the name of your child under one of the teacher's name. Each morning please place your child's book bag or a plastic zipper bag with a book and the reading record in their box and collect it at home time.
The list of letter sounds and tricky words which the children will be introduced to in Reception was placed in your child's reading record if you did not attend the meeting. There is also a list of recommended stories for Reception. The children are very excited about starting the reading adventure. If you have any questions regarding reading, please speak to us.
This week we have learned the letter sounds: b, f,ff,l,ll,ss and the tricky words: no, go, I.
Next week we will be learning: j,v,w,x.

This week we were exploring 2D shapes. The children especially enjoyed feeling shapes in the mystery box. Next week will learn about 3 D shapes.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs Sheehan


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