We are all ready for the half term break after eight busy weeks of learning.We are very happy with the progress the children have already made in all areas of their development.
During the week the children observed a cat which often walks by our classroom window. We have had a little chat about cats and their habits, and have decided we wanted to learn some more. Using different media we have learnt many interesting facts about cats, and have had a go at pretending being a cat. We have seen some amazing acting skills!
In Foundation we have celebrated Diwali by learning about Mehndi art which originated in ancient India. The children painted beautiful patterns on their hands and have learnt the story of Diwali. They  enjoyed wearing little red Bindi on their foreheads, and were very creative while dancing to Indian music.
In the garden a group of children created a hot chocolate factory. The children communicated brilliantly with each other, and worked as a team to develop their project. It was wonderful to observe.

School jumpers
We have a few jumpers missing in Foundation. We have a particular child who has lost four new jumpers from the beginning of the year. Please check the labels on the jumpers you have at home and make sure your child's uniform is clearly labelled.
During the week the children were introduced the following letter sounds: c, k, ck. We have learnt that each of the graphemes look different, but they all make the same sound.
The tricky word of the week was: the.
After half term the children will learn: e, u, r, h.
The tricky word of the week will be: to.
In maths we have continued learning about repeated patterns.
After half term we will be learning about shapes. We will start with 2D shapes, than we will move on to 3D shapes.
Have a great half term!
Mrs Sheehan


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