
Warm welcome to all the Reception families. We have had a great start to the year with only a few tears in the mornings but happy faces throughout the day. The children are busy exploring activities and making new friendships which is lovely to see.
This week Reception has had their first PE lesson. The children had so much fun engaging in activities and games. They have shown very good listening skills while following Mr Mills instructions.
On Friday Reception class took part in their first Music Assembly and music lesson with
 Mrs Lawrence. The children enjoyed singing and playing different musical instruments.
During our carpet sessions we have been looking at rhyming words. We will continue working on finding rhymes next week. At home, I would like you to help your child to find at least two items (or pictures ) that rhyme e.g. cat- hat; frog-log, and bring them to school next week.

Just to remind you that the children do not need to bring their water bottles to school as they have water available to them throughout the day.

I'm looking foreword to the exiting next week!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Sheehan


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