Throughout the week we have been focusing on traditional fairy tales : The Princess and the Pea, The Elves and the Shoemaker and Pinocchio. After watching each fairy tale the children were engaged in telling the story and creating story boards.
On Tuesday the children enjoyed our school picnic. They had fun preparing sandwiches and decorating biscuits which they then shared with their family and friends. During the picnic the children showed the visitors our new outdoor classroom and had a walk in the wildlife area.
On Thursday Henry brought a sunflower to school. We have learned about parts of plants and the children have featured the plant through art work using different media.
On Monday we will be visiting our local Christ Church. Chris the curate is going to tell us about the history of the building and will explain the meaning of certain features in the church.
We will need some parent volunteers to go with us. If you are happy to help for an hour from 9.30 to10.30  please let us know.
Reception Class parent-teacher consultations will take place on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Please make sure you have booked your slot. If you have any problems please speak to me.
We are collecting school books next week so if you have any books at home please return them at the beginning of next week.
Have a great week
Mrs Sheehan


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