The highlight of the week was going on a coach to Manor Lodge school where the children watched Merry Poppins show performed by Manor Lodge pupils. The show was fantastic, and the Little Heath children were an amazing audience.They behaved beautifully during the show, showing respect for the actors. During the week they have created Merry Poppins pictures and have sung the songs from the show.
This week Jessica brought butterflies to school which was a real treat. We have learned the life cycle of a butterfly and looked at anatomy of a butterfly. The children were waiting patiently for some sunshine so that we could release the butterflies and let them go to the nature. On Friday the Sun came out from behind the clouds so we let the butterflies fly away.

Next week we will explore floating and sinking through experiments.
In maths we are working on problem solving through sharing, halving and doubling using quantities 1-20.

We are playing phonics games to secure the knowledge of digraphs and trigraphs which we will continue to do next week.

Next Friday is a Mufti Day. We will be collecting bottles of wine for our Summer Fayre tombola.

Have a lovely weekend1
Mrs Sheehan


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