What an exciting and a busy week we have had! The children as usual have taken the lead in their learning  and took the teachers on their journey with them. The leaning has begun from a group of children digging for some diamonds. Using the information books and a laptop we have found out that diamonds can  be found very deep under the ground, at least 90 meters deep, which was a bit discouraging. The good piece of information was that when a volcano erupts, it might bring diamonds to the surface of the Earth. This lead us to investigation of the volcanoes. We have done a volcano eruption experiment,  which was very exciting for the children. Children have created volcanoes in art and have written some volcano facts.
While digging for precious stones one of the children found  a hard object which looked like a dinosaur bone. This has triggered the learning about dinosaurs. We have now a dinosaur egg in our classroom. The children are observing the changes of the egg while waiting for it to hatch. They record their observations in our Dinosaur book.

On Tuesday we had a visit from Rafeed's mum who is a doctor. The children had an opportunity to ask her some health related questions and could discuss personal hygiene. They were intrigued while listening to own heart beat using a stethoscope.

Our beautiful natural art

In Maths we continued to learn about money. Next week through practical activities we will learn about doubling, halving and sharing. We will continue to work with numbers 1-20.

The children will use their phonics knowledge in writing. We will continue working on letter formation. We would like to know how  your child is getting on with the Reading Eggs. Please write some feedback in your child's reading record.

At the and of the week we would like the Reception children to take part in tie dye activity. We would appreciate if you could provide a white cotton t-shirt for your child. Please bring the t-shirts at the beginning of the week. Many thanks.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs Sheehan


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