During the week the children engaged in a variety of outdoor activities. They have planted potatoes in our garden, they have made a wormery, and have organised their own Easter egg  hunt.
It is lovely to see the children exploring the nature around them and making their own little discoveries and inventions.
Over the week we have focused on  the Stickman story. The children extended their learning through making their own book illustrations of Stickman and his family, through making stick people and acting out the story.
Next week we will concentrate on celebrating Easter. We will discuss the life cycle of a chicken and will engage in variety of creative activities including making chocolate nests.

Math and Phonics
Our learning in maths and phonics will be based on  Easter activities. In maths we will focus on problem solving through doubling, halving and sharing. In phonics we will work on writing our own recipes and making labels.
The Reception class children have an access to 'Reading Eggs' programme. We have sent home a letter explaining the details of the programme together with your child's log in details. The sticker with the login and the password are on the cover of your child's reading record.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Sheehan




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