As the weather has been much kinder to us this week, the children spent a lot of time learning outdoors. They were busy exploring  nature and have made many interesting discoveries such as finding worms in our digging area, a caterpillar on a leaf, a snail shell and have observed birds building their nest. Following the children's interest we have learnt facts about worms and have read 'Superworm'  by Julia Donaldson. The children were encouraged to make up their own stories, and to show their knowledge of worms through art work and writing.
We have created a new role play area in our classroom. The children often tell us about their holiday adventures and their relatives and friends from different parts of the world, therefore we have made an aeroplane for them. It is great to see the children interacting with each other, negotiating, having their own creative ideas. The children looked at the map of the world to find the places they have visited or the ones they are planning to go to.
Next week we will be learning about the meaning of Easter. We are hoping to have a visit from a local vicar to tell us the Easter story.
In maths we have focused on subtracting two single-digit numbers. We will continue to represent subtraction in different ways.

In phonics we have concentrated on consolidating the Phase 2 and Phase 3 letter sounds and on segmenting letter sounds for writing.
Next week we will focus on spelling of the tricky words.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Sheehan



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