
Showing posts from September, 2024
 Hello all, What a busy week we have had in foundation. The children have settled so well and are beginning to relax into their learning.  We  have enjoyed the outdoor area as we continue to have the warm sun. The class played a variety of balancing games during PE lesson and the children have enjoyed singing and dancing with Mrs Lawrence during the whole school singing assembly and the music lesson.. We are really pleased with the way the children are engaging with each other and all the activities. They are confident in asking us for help and also if they are a little unsettled they are comfortable connecting to a familiar adult for support. This week, we have been working on recognising initial sounds and  rhyming words. Our focus story was 'The Bus is for us'! by Michael Rosen. Next week we will begin Little Wandle phonics programme. Each day, the children will learn a new letter sound. The sounds for next week are: s, a, t. p.  Please, can you make sure that jumpers, bottl
 Hello all,  It was lovely to welcome the new Reception class this week. We were very impressed with how calm and engaged in play the children were on their first week of school. The children are slowly becoming familiar with the new routines and new friendships are being established. We have enjoyed singing and story time together. The class took part in PE sessions with Mr Mills and the music lesson with Mrs Lawrence which were lots of fun.  Each week, Reception class will take part in three PE sessions  ( Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday) and on Fridays the children will be joining the whole school for the music assembly and will have a music lesson.  The children will  take part in daily phonics sessions following Little Wandle programme and in daily  maths sessions. Please remember to bring named welly boots next week if you haven't done it yet. The children should also bring a water bottle each day to school with water and not juice. Have a lovely weekend! Mrs Sheehan