Hello all, As the weather is getting warmer, we have begun working in our school garden, preparing it for for Spring time. The children pulled out the weeds and raked the compost. We are now ready for planting. If you can donate some flowers or herbs to school for our garden we would be very grateful. On Tuesday we celebrated Pancake Day. The children had a go at tossing the pancake up in the air which was lots of fun. They eventually got the opportunity to eat them and they were delicious. Thursday, 2nd March is World Book Day. This year children do not have to dress up but can come to school in their pyjamas. However, if you have already purchased an outfit of a book character they can wear this instead. We would like all children to bring in their favourite book on the day. During the week we will be looking at how books are created and we will be making our own books. Phonics In Phonics we have revisited our letter sounds and the tricky words. Our focus was on segmenting...