Hello all, The end of the year is finally upon us and it is time for the Summer break. It has been a very different and emotional year for all of us with many highs and lows. Thank you for all your support throughout the year and all your efforts you have put into teaching your children at home. We wish you a very good Summer and we are looking foreword to seeing you and the children in September. Your child's learning journey will be with Miss Davis so that she can continue to use them in September. Here is the message from Year 1 teacher Miss Davis.
Showing posts from July, 2020
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Hello all, Huge thank you from our Foundation team for the very generous gifts! You have completely spoilt us! We love the thank you pictures from the children. What a beautiful memory to treasure. We have one more week of school left before we start our Summer break. The children who are in school are looking foreword to holidays and to starting Year 1 in September. I will pass the information about the children to Mrs Davis who will be the Year 1 teacher next year. I am sure that together we will make the transition a positive experience for the children. We will give them time to settle back in to school with a familiar daily routine and time for learning through play. For the next week's home learning we have set up activities related to space. I hope the children will have fun building rockets and making moon rocks. Next week we will send goodbye video to the children who are learning at home so please check the next week's blog. Have a lovely weekend! Myself and Mrs...
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The end of the school year will soon be upon us and as we look back on the year we have fond memories of the children playing together and it has made us realise just how much they have grown in confidence. It is always a time to look back but this year in particular as it has been so different. We have missed some of you who have not returned but we look forward to seeing you in Year 1 in September. Next week we will be arranging a zoom meeting to say goodbye to you all. We have 2 videos to show you this week, one is of the teachers doing a dance and the other is of the children dancing. Even though they have not being able to have physical contact they have been enjoying social dancing together everyday, this has been lovely to watch as they have worked out what to do and have created their own routines. Could you please check to see if your child has brought home the correct coat as we have a blue thin jacket missing and also a pink Tottenham hat. Have a great weekend...