
Showing posts from February, 2020
It was great to see you all at the parent-teacher consultations to discuss your child's progress. Well, I am sure you are all aware that we have had a Gingerbread Man on the loose in the unit this week. It has been quite an adventure. We mixed all the ingredients together and put him in the oven. The children kept checking to see if he was cooking. At 10.15am when he was ready to come out of the oven the children went to check and the door was open. HE HAD DONE A RUNNER!!!!!!!!! This created an absolute buzz around the room. The children began to investigate and search for clues to find out what had happened. We decided to ring Mrs Custis to tell her and she suggested we made some lost posters to put around the school. She said she would notify the Police to see if they could help us. On Friday we interviewed some of the teachers in the school and lots of them said they had seem him. He has shouted to them "Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Ging...
We have discussed the importance of personal hygiene with the children during the week. We have carried out an activity to check how well we wash our hands. On Friday we have celebrated Valentines day. The children have created beautiful cards with lovely drawings and massages. Maths During the week we have explored capacity. The children enjoyed transferring liquids into different containers using syringes and pipettes. We have also introduced the concept of halving and sharing into equal amounts. After half term we will be learning about time. Phonics We are practising our letter sounds at school. We used our phonics knowledge to write labels and captions for pictures. After half term the reading groups will change. We will continue changing books on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Please make sure you leave your child's reading bag in the correct box and not on their pegs.  The children acting out T...
What a busy and exciting week we have had! The highlight of the week was our trip to the snow centre. The children had a fantastic time and enjoyed the coach ride and the snow slide. Lots of laughter and happy faces. During the week we have continued with The Gingerbred Man story. The children have created some lovely figures out of play dough and have learnt songs related to the story. Next week we will focus on Goldilocks and The Three Bears. We will use the story to learn about capacity in maths. Phonics This week we have practised writing long ladder letters: l, t, i, u, j, y. We also used phoneme frames for writing words. Next week we will make words using magnetic letters and write words using our phonics knowledge. Have a lovely weekend! Mrs Sheehan