
  Welcome back It was lovely to see the children so full of enthusiasm to be back in the setting with all their friends.  We have been talking about relationships and how we look after and care for each other as we have some new children that have started in nursery. All the children have made a brilliant effort at welcoming  and sharing their space with them.  Over the year, we often have visitors that come into the setting at night such as Tinkerbell, Jack Frost and the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk. The children were very keen to invite another character in at night time. As we have been learning about oral health this week we decided to invite the tooth fairy. We will be responding to the tooth fairy with correspondence in the mornings. We will leave evidence around the room so that the children can become engaged creatively with the activities. We will be developing this further over the next couple of weeks. Maths In Maths we explored the concept of doubling . We used dominoe
 Hello all, This week we have changed our large role play area. We now have a Spring theme and the children have been engaged in activities relating to the season. We have learnt about new life and identified the names of baby animals. This will be a topic we will continue into the next week term.  After the holiday we are going to change our wood walk day to a Wednesday. We will put up a list of dates on the door for you to sign up to come. We will continue with our stay and play sessions on a Tuesday morning.  Phonics In phonics we practised reading words ending with -ing and revisited the tricky words. Maths In maths we have learnt the names and the properties of 3D shapes. We engaged in construction and have created houses out of junk modelling materials.
 Hello all, To mark the British Science week, we carried our different experiments in Foundation. On Monday, we  placed flowers in the coloured water to learn about the function of the stem in plants and we planted cress.  On Tuesday, we explored magnetic and non-magnetic objects. We used magnets and metal objects to create movement on paper. On Wednesday we launched a rocket into Space which was super exciting! On Thursday we made  created a volcano to eruption. This week on Thursday,  Reception class took part in an interactive Science workshop. The children mixed different liquids to create colourful potions. We have explored dry ice and we all eagerly watched another exciting eruption of soda in the school playground. We know, that all of it was done not by magic but by scientific discoveries. We are all inspired by our latest science experiences and and we are keen to learn more. Phonics In phonics we were learning to read words ending with two or more digraphs. Maths In Maths the